Customer Testimonials

Contractors and Home Owners Count on Condair HumiLife Humidification Solutions

“I've worked on makes and models from all the names out there. I know what problems they have. Condair HumiLife are industry leaders for a reason: They're serviceable, dependable, and built to last. "

Don Desormeaux
Cool Wave HVAC

"Condair, a well known brand in the commercial space has finally introduced residential products. I took a risk as there are zero reviews but blown away in terms or build quality. The installer told me it was a breeze to install. The features offered are a cut above competition! Like: Default WIFI and mobile app based controls, ceramic filter which required no changes, extremely low water consumption and plethora of installation options like via existing thermostat OR via phone OR independently via in-duct sensor. Built in safety features like air/sail switch compatibility brings the advances from commercial into residential space with almost zero upfront expense."

Baivab Mitra
Metuchen, New Jersey, USA

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