
What’s the Best Humidity Level for Musical Instruments?

Whether you’re enjoying a symphony performance, taking part in creating one or overseeing the production, proper humidity control still takes center stage. Musical instruments are fragile, highly delicate tools that require strict environmental control to stay in shape and in tune. From production and storage to being used on stage, the amount of hydration in the air is critical. Let’s go over what the best humidity level for musical instruments is, as well as the benefits of maintaining it.

40 to 60 Percent Relative Humidity is Essential

If you want an instrument to perform at its best for a long time, it’s important to maintain balanced relative humidity wherever it may be produced, stored and used. 40 to 60 percent RH is the sweet spot for keeping everything in excellent condition, which can be achieved by using a dedicated humidification system and evaporative cooling to regulate temperature and air moisture content. Be sure to keep your relative humidity at these levels. From assembling, finetuning and shipping it from a production facility to storing it at a concert hall for an upcoming performance, every step along the way needs to be precisely controlled for the best results.

That said, never attempt to quickly make the shift towards these levels if your environment deviates from them. Otherwise, you can put stress on the instrument and end up permanently distorting its sound or quality. Making gradual adjustments on your humidifier towards the desired RH level is the safest approach.

Proper Humidity Control and Instrument Preservation

Musical instruments such as tonewoods can suffer from warping, cracking, brittleness, and a much shorter lifespan if not adequately humidified. This is due to the fact that wood absorbs and reacts to the moisture content in the air in a very organic way, changing form and structure as it is exposed to various environments. By implementing the best humidity level for musical instruments as well as the temperature control capabilities of evaporative cooling, there’s a reduced risk of materials or finished products not meeting established quality control standards – both from the manufacturer as well as the customer.

With proper humidity control influencing the quality of the instrument, the sound it produces ought to be exceptional if assembled properly. If you want your musical instruments to deliver the best possible performance, Nortec (Condair Group) is happy to help. Our evaporative cooling and humidification solutions are highly efficient and can help you achieve the best possible results. In addition, our 24/7 chat is available at Condair.com to help answer any questions you may have. Contact us today!


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