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Condair humidifiers and evaporative cooling systems have been helping improve productivity and health in many commercial and industrial applications throughout the World for over 70 years. 

Dehumidification for Food Processing: Why it Matters

Has the product and its packaging been correctly looked after? What were the storage conditions like? These are just some of the questions we hear at Condair, and the solution is a simple one: dehumidification technologies are essential.

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Use Cases for Proper Humidity Control: Woodworking to Warehousing

Today, in our blog entry, let’s spotlight some of the applications that benefit most from a dedicated humidity control system.

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Control Indoor Humidity in Winter Conditions to Save in Multiple Ways

Whether you’re a candy maker or an aerospace manufacturer, keeping conditions just right with adequate relative humidity (RH) can create the ideal atmosphere for your employees, visiting clients, and other occupants.

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Condair's Healthy Building Solutions Checklist: How Does Yours Stack Up

At Condair, we love helping our clients optimize their building operations. Health, like safety and production efficiency, is a significant factor to consider. Not only is good airborne infection control essential towards helping your team’s health and performance, it can also protect other visiting building occupants.

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Reimagining Buildings: Rethink and Refit for Airborne Infection Control

Modern building constructions and renovations can offer significant benefits to building occupants. They can be healthier, cleaner, and far safer when the right strategies and precautions are implemented. However, maximizing airborne infection control in healthcare settings, as well as other applications, can be complicated.

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Assisted Living Facilities: Our Healthy Living Checklist

Assisted living environments such as long-term care homes require specialized services and focuses.

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The 40-60 Rule - Why Relative Humidity is Necessary for Our Health

Managing a happy, healthy household can present challenges, especially if your indoor air quality is less-than-deal, temperatures regularly fluctuate, and conditions are either too dry or damp.

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Why Indoor Spaces Need Proper Humidity Control: An Overview

At Condair, we have been researching, developing, and modernizing control solutions for indoor humidity for decades. In that time, we’ve developed a comprehensive understanding of why indoor spaces need proper humidity control and would like to share this information to managing facilities across a wide range of applications.

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Ensure Wind Energy Manufacturing Consistency with Humidity Control

Wind energy production requires utmost efficiency and consistency in order to remain a viable and effective means of green energy production, and this extends right back to the manufacturing process.

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Need New Cylinders? Check with Your Humidifier Manufacturer

Ordering authentic, reliable Condair parts such as a cylinder for your system has never been easier. All you need to do is visit, our authentic humidifier parts store.

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How to Avoid Electrostatic Discharge and Protect Your Business

ESD – short for electrostatic discharge – is no joke to business owners; it’s a very real and present danger in indoor environments with inadequate humidity control.

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All You Need to Know About Direct Room Spray Humidifiers

From printing and packaging to manufacturing and more, direct room spray humidifiers are an excellent alternative if certain spaces are giving you relative humidity headaches.

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7 Benefits of Steam Humidifiers

Excessive humidity can be as equally destructive and negatively impactful as too little. Therefore, it is imperative that temperature and humidity levels are efficiently regulated to ensure favorable living and working conditions.

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What is the Best Humidity for Baking, and Why?

To optimize your operations and produce the freshest, longest-lasting baked goods possible, proper humidity control is essential.

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Direct vs. Indirect Evaporative Cooling: What’s the Difference?

Condair delivers state-of-the-art, high-efficiency evaporative humidifier solutions to suit a variety of applications and subsequent load sizes.

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Our Indoor Air Quality and Climate Control Tips for 2021

Proper humidity control is essential and by maintaining a relative humidity of 40-60% you are ensuring a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment for employees and visitors alike.

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4 Negative Performance Effects of Low Humidity in the Workplace

Being good to your workers can translate to being good to your profit margins. However, without indoor environmental conditions effectively managed, there are a number of complications that can arise.

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Condair EL Series Steam Humidifiers for Hot Yoga

We have carefully and meticulously consulted with hot yoga studios, fitness professional, and athletic building managers around the world to gain a deeper understanding of the ideal hot yoga studio environment.

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Elder Care and Humidity: Setting Standards to Protect Residents

Maintaining proper indoor relative humidity control – between 40 to 60 percent – is ideal for protecting senior residents from a number of health and wellness issues.

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Why Relative Humidity Control Benefits Airborne Infection Control

During these difficult times, it makes sense to be proactive about your indoor airborne infection control strategy. This is especially true for daycares, hospitals, elder care facilities, and other similarly sensitive environments.

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What are Acceptable Humidity Levels in Office Buildings, and Why?

Picture yourself at a desk for eight or more hours a day, fluorescent lights whirring above your head and the air dry to the point where you experience discomfort and can’t focus as well as usual. Alternatively, perhaps the air is too heavy with moisture, resulting in your team encountering breathing difficulties.

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Relative Humidity and Allergies: Hydrate and Minimize the Risk

Whether you have seasonal or constant allergies, the indoor environments where you spend the most time can have a profound impact on how severe your reactions are, but why?

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How Data Center Cooling Works, the Condair Way

Today’s data centers face a plethora of challenges. Whether keeping servers and connected computer systems updated or ensuring a secure, clean and cool operating environment, it’s important to run a tight ship.

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How the Moisture Content of Cheese Affects the Curing Process

In our decades of experience in such applications, we’ve learned a lot about how cheese curing is directly influenced by relative humidity control. Today, let’s take a look at how the moisture content of cheese can affect the efficiency of this process.

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Mushroom Mania: Why Invest in Commercial Humidifiers for Grow Rooms?

For all mushroom enthusiast, whether a hobbyist or a business opportunist, growing mushrooms can be challenging. Why? For the mushrooms to successfully bear fruit, a delicate balance of light, carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and humidity are needed.

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Why Controlling Indoor Humidity in Winter Conditions Matters

Airborne infection control is never more important than during the dreaded flu season. Let’s explore in detail why controlling indoor humidity in winter conditions matters so much!

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5 Electrostatic Discharge Consequences on Technology

We use technology more and more every day – in fact, more than we may realize. That leaves us open to the risk of electrostatic discharges in low-humidity conditions. In such environments, energy can accumulate on conductive surfaces and arc dangerously to other objects.

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Take Control of Influenza Outbreaks with Proper Humidification

The spread of Coronavirus around the world is unsettling, to say the least. At Condair, we know how critical it is to prevent that spread as much as possible, and the right airborne infection control strategy can potentially save lives in the long run.

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Discover These Air Humidifier Benefits for Commercial Applications

Whether managing multiple floors of office workers, grocery stores full of highly sensitive produce or otherwise, respecting the air quality means your operational efficiency will benefit as a direct result.

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What Does a Humidifier Do to Benefit Tourism Applications?

Tourism is an industry built on the backbones of three key principles: Comfort, safety, and value. In order to provide the ultimate experience to guests while also taking good care of employees operating locations, keeping your indoor environment under control is essential.

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Humidity and Wood Furniture: 4 Potential Effects

Do you manage a concert hall, oversee production at a hardwood flooring manufacturer or build custom wooden furniture for clients? Regardless, you’ll know the impact indoor relative humidity can have.

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How Indoor Air Quality Affects Employee Happiness in the Workplace

Your employees work hard, but they shouldn’t crash hard. Such is usually the case in environments with poor indoor air quality, largely influenced by overly low or high relative humidity.

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Which Applications Benefit from the Evaporative Cooling Process?

Evaporative cooling is a powerful, innovative technology aimed at not only improving indoor conditions but also lowering operating costs.

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Humidification Benefits for Hot Yoga Studios

Whether you operate a hot yoga studio or frequent one as a client, it’s important that you can trust the quality of the air in such an environment.

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Surprising Effects of Humidity on Healthcare Efficiency

There are many healthcare-associated applications out there, from laboratories to hospitals and nursing homes, and they all share one key demand: Good air quality.

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Why Upgrade to a Modern Humidifier?

Let’s say that your business has been using an older humidifier for years at this point. It’s likely that you’re not getting the most out of it anymore.

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The Importance of Infection Control in Nursing Homes

Senior citizens are among the most at-risk individuals for contracting an infectious illness, particularly those such as influenza. Such illnesses can often be fatal on immune systems that have weakened over time.

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How Humidity Control Reduces Failure Rates in Equipment

Perhaps you operate a sprawling data center and need to keep your servers in full working order, reliable as ever. Or, maybe you head an in-demand assembly line timed down to the second. Regardless, you deserve equipment that can stay reliable, performing at is peak and in need of as little maintenance as possible.

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How Does Air Pollution Affect the Elderly, and What Can be Done About it?

Senior citizens do not have it easy when it comes to immune system strength and wellbeing in polluted environments. It’s therefore important to consider that, from healthcare environments such as hospitals to nursing homes and elsewhere.

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How Does Humidity Control Affect Animals and Humans in Veterinary Clinics?

Whether you operate a veterinary clinic or are simply concerned for the well-being of your beloved pet, it’s important to know that the quality of the air affects animals much in the same way as humans.

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Here’s How Air Quality Affects Your Immune System

The human body is mostly comprised of water, but that doesn’t always mean you can count on your workers to keep themselves sufficiently hydrated on their own; the environment itself plays a role.

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Here’s Why Crops Need Humidity Control

Regardless of whether you’re responsible for crop-growing operations or wonder how the freshest produce reaches your retail operations, there’s no denying the role that proper humidity control plays. Spoiler alert: It’s downright essential!

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Humidity and Office Fatigue: What’s the Connection, and How can You Help?

Are your employees having a hard time staying focused, feeling exhausted and appearing to lack energy? This is a pathological state that can be directly influenced by the surrounding environment.

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Benefits of Humidity Control for Your Employees

Lets explore some benefits of humidity control for your employees in respects to their energy, mental wellness and alertness.

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Benefits of Evaporative Cooling for Commercial Applications

Maintaining the right indoor temperature as well as relative humidity goes a long way in achieving ideal results for many commercial applications, and it’s where evaporative cooling humidifiers really shine.

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The Relationship Between Humidity and Airborne Allergies

If you live in a seasonal climate, it’s likely that you’re more than ready for spring to come along, especially after the brutal winter many of us have endured. However, a lot of us are unaware of the fact that allergic reactions are influenced by indoor conditions.

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Why Indoor Air Quality in Healthcare Facilities is So Important

We’re currently in the middle of the flu season, and it goes without saying that we need to be extra careful at this time of year when it comes to protecting ourselves and others. During such a time as this, poor indoor air quality in healthcare facilities can make a single instance of illness flash through a building, resulting in a breakout.

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4 Humidity Control Methods Used in Modern Building Designs

Today’s new building projects offer technical breakthroughs that are light years ahead of older structures. From homes to family-run businesses and sprawling industrial plants, there’s a lot of change in the air.

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How Humidity Control Protects Data

Are you responsible for a high-tech data center? Or, have you been encountering electrostatic shock issues at the office? Regardless, keeping your information safe is critical to maintaining peak operational efficiency.

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Why Does Low Humidity Cause Static Electricity?

Regardless of whether you’ve experienced a nasty shock or stressful computer failure from a short-out, it’s likely that you know how dangerous an electrostatic discharge can be. Detrimental to your safety, comfort and even productivity, it is directly influenced by the air moisture content – otherwise known as relative humidity – within an indoor environment.

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5 Benefits of Enhanced Humidity Control for Electronics Manufacturing

Whether you operate a business that produces televisions, computer parts or other electronics, the environment your workers and products are exposed to can effectively make or break your business. Operations need to be maintained for consistent quality control, increased efficiency and minimal wastage.

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Humidity Control and the Importance of Preserving Artifacts in Museums

Museums around the world rely on more than security and plenty of large, open space to store and display cherished artifacts — the very air we breathe has an impact on them as well, for better or for worse.

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Why Your Influenza Outbreak Management Plan Should Focus on Air Quality

Whether in the field of healthcare, education or otherwise, airborne infection control is an important element of keeping building occupants happy, healthy, and safe. Many of us aren’t aware of the connection between air quality, relative humidity, and influenza prevention efficiency.

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Why Workplace Air Quality Testing Matters

There are a number of factors that can contribute to the well-being of building occupants put at risk by the very air that they breathe. This is especially true for manufacturing environments where an industrial humidifier with evaporative cooling can serve as a proactive, high-efficiency solution.

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Here are 6 Poor Air Quality Symptoms in Your Workplace

No matter whether you work away in an office cubicle, oversee a production floor at a factory, or otherwise, there is no denying the importance of clean, healthy air. If there are poor air quality

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What Can Low Humidity Do to Your Skin?

If someone suffers from issues with their skin, often they may blame it on genetics. However, low relative humidity is often a cause of many problems when it comes to our skin, which can sometimes lead to infections and chronic disorders.

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3 Tips for Prevention and Control of Indoor Air Pollution

Does your business suffer from stagnant, polluted air that poses a threat to employee health and wellness? In many commercial and industrial applications, there are multiple causes including hazardous chemicals and compounds in the air as well as inadequate humidification.

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What’s the Best Humidity Level for Musical Instruments?

Whether you’re enjoying a symphony performance, taking part in creating one or overseeing the production, proper humidity control still takes center stage.

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What Should the Humidity be in a Classroom, and Why?

If you’ve ever been trying to focus in a classroom environment and find it difficult to do so, don’t necessarily blame yourself. It could be a sign of imbalanced relative humidity –—a fact that is easily ignored and often not addressed.

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Learn How to Control Humidity This Winter with These Tips

Winter is well and truly here, which means you may be wondering how to maintain established air quality conditions if you operate a business.

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4 Benefits of Laboratory Humidity Control Systems

Laboratories are delicate mini-ecosystems that require precise control of atmospheric conditions. Therefore, an evaporative humidifier is used for proper environmental control.

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Exploring the Relationship Between Humidity and Temperature

There is a strong connection between relative humidity (RH) and air temperature. Commercial humidifiers, industrial humidifiers, and evaporative coolers are ideal ways to balance out working conditions to make them as comfortable as possible for this reason.

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Want to Save on Energy Bills? Here’s How!

Whether you’re a small start-up or responsible for managing hundreds of employees, we can all agree on one thing: energy bills are often too high.

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Feeling Dehydrated at Work? Here’s What You Can Do

Whether you work in retail, a factory, or an office environment, from time to time, it’s normal to feel a little worn out. However, if you find yourself feeling regularly dehydrated, it can negatively impact your ability to focus, stay healthy, and maintain a robust immune system.

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Protecting Hardwood Flooring with Proper Humidity Control

Natural hardwood flooring is incredibly beautiful and highly resilient, as long as its surroundings receive the right amount of relative humidity! To protect such an investment and enjoy your flooring for many years to come, proper humidity control is a must.

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Hot Yoga Temperature: How to Avoid Dry Air

Hot yoga temperature is directly influenced by the relative humidity (RH) in the studio, which plays a critical role when it comes to occupant health and wellness. Using the latest technologies and implementing a few tweaks can make a big difference if you happen to have a space that suffers from dry air.

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Commercial Humidifiers and Industrial Humidifiers: Why are they so Important?

No matter what kind of business you operate, it thrives on an environment fit for human occupation that encourages wellness. Regardless of whether you’re interested in commercial humidifiers, industrial humidifiers, or even features such as evaporative coolers, the impact of such systems on any environment is massive.

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Inspect Your Ventilation and Airflow

The way air flows in and around your workplace is essential to battling dust accumulation.

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How to Keep Warehouse Employees Cool

In the industrial world, it’s essential that your employees can handle the pressures and responsibilities of such intensive work. However, you could experience stunted productivity and efficiency if your team isn’t kept cool enough.

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What Baking Bread in Low Humidity Does to Your Products

Whether you operate a small-scale, family-run bakery in town or own multiple production facilities around the world, baking bread is a serious business when it comes to quality control. In addition, it comes with serious production and storage requirements involving proper humidity control and temperature regulation.

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Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs): What You Need to Know

Hospital and healthcare environments are breeding grounds for invasive bacteria if proper atmospheric conditions aren’t met. Known as Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), they can make illness more difficult to curb and effectively treat.

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4 Great Ways to Reduce the Spread of Germs at the Office

Being sick is no fun no matter what kind of work environment you have. Office life, in particular, can be a breeding ground for infectious bacteria and germs.

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4 Ways to Reduce Static Electricity in Print Production

When it comes to folding machines and bindery equipment in printing applications, static electricity can be a pain — literally! Caused by a lack of proper humidity control and therefore drier conditions, it can pose a serious safety risk for employees and impact machine reliability.

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How do Architects Influence Occupant Health and Comfort?

Building architects are responsible for conceptualizing high-quality constructions that can stand the test of time.

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4 Ways to Maximize Data Center Cooling Efficiency

Data centers rely heavily on their integrated temperature cooling capabilities to protect against the overheating of electronic hardware such as servers and computer systems.

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Your Guide to Evaporative Cooling and Energy Savings

For commercial entities and industrial facilities, evaporative cooling forms an integral pillar supporting continued business efficiency, output, worker satisfaction and wellness, and greater energy savings resulting in cost-effectiveness.

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Spring Cleaning: 5 Ways to Minimize Dust Buildup

No matter where you work, dust buildup can pose serious issues to the cleanliness of your environment, in turn giving you less of a clean bill of health and more of a cause for concern.

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Feeling Stuffy from Spring Allergies? Here’s How to Fix it

Spring is well and truly here, and while many of us have long been itching to soak up the sun and see greenery everywhere, some of us dread this time of year.

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3 Influenza Prevention Strategies

Winter 2017/2018 is quickly becoming known as one of the worst flu seasons in recent memory, and there is plenty of scientific proof to support the seriousness of this issue.

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Sick Building Syndrome | Can Your Office Make You Sick?

Sick Building Syndrome is a very real threat to the operational efficiency of any business or industry. It affects many employees, including during influenza season when there is an increased sense of vigilance regarding flu symptoms.

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Everything You Need to Know About Steam Humidifiers

Steam-based humidification systems are capable of compensating for reduced or fluctuating relative humidity (RH) levels at any time of the year, regardless of climate.

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Legionnaires Disease and Infection Control

Legionnaires disease is a severe form of pneumonia, consisting of lung inflammation brought on by airborne-based infection. The disease is the direct cause of bacterium known as legionella. This bacterium cannot be transferred from person-to-person contact, but rather through inhalation.

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Humidity and the Defense of our Nations

Proper humidity control plays an exponential role in influencing not only the performance of defense systems but also the defense of our nations themselves.

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The Relationship Between Dry Air and Viral Infections

Viral infections such as influenza are directly influenced by the quality of an environment’s air, which includes relative humidity levels and temperatures. If relative humidity levels are low – less than 40% RH – the space will effectively become a breeding ground for bacteria and viral infection potentialities.

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What is an Evaporative Cooler?

An evaporative cooler is a system that helps to optimise air moisture as well as temperature. Otherwise known as adiabatic humidification, the process of evaporative cooling involves temperature reduction in water prior to dispersal into the air to provide sufficient relative humidity (RH) control.

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The Importance of Proper Humidification for Medical Marijuana Growth

Many people rely on prescription medical marijuana to live more comfortably with debilitating diseases or mental health issues such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and as a means of coping with discomfort/pain after surgery.

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Surprising Effects of Humidity on the Human Body

The process of accumulating humidity in one’s body can lead to a wide array of health and wellness effects.

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Save Money with Humidity Control, the Condair Way!

At Condair, we know that proper humidity control is about more than basic operational improvements; businesses need to maximize profits and lower expenses, now more than ever, so creating an environment conducive to this is critical.

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5 Reasons the Automotive Industry Needs Humidification

The automotive industry, specifically its manufacturing applications, comprises of a wide array of facilities and spaces carefully engineered for different purposes.

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4 Egg Incubator Trends to Decrease Chick Mortality

In egg hatcheries, broiler houses and other environments that depend on proper egg incubation, proper humidity plays a crucial role in safeguarding the lives of the chicks hatched in them.

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Humidify for Electronics: How to Reduce Dust

Keeping your relative humidity (RH) between 40-60% is important, as it minimizes the amount of time dust can spend airborne, forcing it to settle more quickly.

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Poor Air Quality at Work? Here’s What Happens to You

The human body has specific needs, particularly when it comes to relative humidity control and air quality. Take a moment to consider your workplace environment. What’s the air quality like? Is it dried-out or overly damp?

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Humidity for Electronics: Reducing Static Electricity

Environments containing electronics are prone to many issues stemming from inconsistent humidification, and the most dangerous one is static electricity buildup resulting from conditions that are too dry.

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3 Benefits of Humidification for Retirement Homes

Much like hospitals, retirement homes are complexes where groups of people who may be especially susceptible to infections congregate.

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3 Reasons Why You Need an Office Humidifier

Spending several hours a day working in an office environment without sufficient air humidification can result in a range of health problems for employees, not to mention a reduction in office productivity.

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6 Ways to Use Evaporative Cooling

Around the world, evaporative cooling systems such as those manufactured by Condair are helping to make workplaces and public spaces more comfortable and cost-effective.

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Steam humidification: How to reliably prevent limescale in pipes

Room humidification often comprises all the factors for problematic limescale formation: lime-containing water, elevated temperatures, and small cross-sections in such elements as nozzles and pipes. It is therefore necessary to find solutions for limescale build-up and ensure optimum indoor humidity

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Controlled Humidity: Improve Upon Bottom-Line Profitability

Since wood is naturally hydroscopic – able to readily absorb and release moisture depending on the humidity level it is stored with in – it is important to sustain a stable environment between 40-60% relative humidity (RH).

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