Influenza Prevention Strategies | 3 Ways to Fight the Flu
Winter 2017/2018 is quickly becoming known as one of the worst flu seasons in recent memory, and there is plenty of scientific proof to support the seriousness of this issue. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reportedly confirmed that more than 8 percent of all deaths in the United States this season are from the flu or pneumonia. This year’s strain of influenza is spreading wildly, and it has resulted in reportedly the worst flu season in North America in nearly a decade. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to identify flu symptoms within ourselves and the people around us to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
But how to avoid the flu? How to avoid getting sick? Unfortunately, even with flu shots, there are never any absolute guarantees of 100 percent protection from influenza strain infections. Keeping that in mind, it is important to consider the most efficient methods of protecting yourself, fellow employees, friends, and family, using a few key influenza prevention strategies. We have narrowed it down to three crucial steps anyone can take to safeguard their health and wellness. With care, diligence, and proactivity, the risk of contracting influenza can be greatly reduced, and your home or business made safer for all. Here’s how to avoid the flu as efficiently as possible.
Monitor Your Air Moisture and Temperature
So, how to avoid getting sick? The first solution involves monitoring your air moisture and temperature. Influenza bacteria travels through the air in aerosols, which are water droplets that become dispersed when an individual coughs or sneezes. When the air is too dry or the indoor temperature of an environment too high, these droplets can easily be dispersed through the air and throughout any areas utilizing the same ventilation. With increased air moisture comes slightly heavier air, just enough to cause the aerosols dispersed to retain more water weight. Therefore, they fall, and the influenza bacteria settles much more quickly. Conditions that are too warm can encourage the growth and spread of bacteria as well, meaning that you will benefit from a health and wellness standpoint to closely monitor your air moisture and interior temperature to ensure optimal conditions for influenza risk reduction. Be sure to watch out for flu symptoms and address them appropriately to control infections.
Clean Water, Clean Air
Water is the source of all life on the planet, and it can influence the way our environments – indoors and outdoors – behave and interact with us. Such is the same when considering the impact that clean, pure water has on air quality, which in turn can minimize the transmission risk of influenza bacteria. If your water is thoroughly filtered and cleansed of harmful bacteria before being dispersed into the air via humidification or purification, the air quality itself will become cleaner, more breathable, and less likely to carry airborne bacteria. Additionally, those with breathing difficulties, allergies, or sensitivities to airborne chemicals and bacterial infections will be better safeguarded against health risks.
Efficient Air Circulation
If your water supply for a humidifier or air purifier is filtered properly, the next key influenza prevention strategy is to inspect the air circulation of your property itself. Depending on whether the environment in question is of a commercial, residential, or industrial nature, the ventilation setup and airflow will be more or less complex. An important step to follow is to test your ventilation and check to see that all areas of your property are efficiently circulated. If an area is too warm, stagnant, or damp, it can allow for bacteria to fester and grow, resulting in not only the spread of influenza but also mould spores. All in all, for optimal health and wellness in any environment, it is important that any humidified or purified water dispersed into the air can reach all relevant areas of your property for maximum influenza risk mitigation.
The flu season this year is so severe and dangerous that schools in at least 12 U.S states are shutting their doors to reduce infection risk and address widespread flu symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 39 states are reported to have especially high influenza activity. Over 53 children have died, and hospitalization rates continue to climb despite the ease of the outbreak, indicating that this strain of influenza is particularly stubborn and long-lasting.
In conclusion, regarding how to avoid the flu, indoor atmospheric control is key, and the goal is to minimize the reach of airborne influenza strains as efficiently as possible. Air hydration combined with efficient air circulation helps to combat flu transmission exponentially. This is due to the fact that temperature control and water filtration prior to dispersal into an environment at a controlled rate to maintain ideal relative humidity, which is 40-60% RH, reduces the reach of airborne influenza bacteria. With proper humidity control and temperature management, it is relatively easy to adequately maintain indoor atmospheric conditions to benefit your health, wellness, and safety. If you need more information on identifying flu symptoms or how to avoid getting sick or, consider the surprise effects of humidity on the human body. Contact us today if you are looking for a way to provide your home or business with consistently efficient humidification to maximize influenza infection control.
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