Condair Launches Residential
Whole-Home Steam Humidifier
The brand professionals have trusted for over 70 years is now available for your home.
Condair, the world leader in commercial solutions for humidification, dehumidification, and evaporative cooling have launch a brand new whole-home steam humidifier, Condair HumiLife.
How does the Condair HumiLife Steam Humidifier Work?
Condair HumiLife steam humidifiers generate hygienic, atmospheric steam by boiling water at 212°F (100°C). This effectively kills all germs and bacteria in the water, providing pure, clean water vapor to humidify the air in the most hygienic way. The water vapor is introduced into the forced air ventilation system to provide whole-home humidity control.
Your Humidifier Just Got A Whole Lot Smarter
Condair HumiLife humidifiers can be remotely controlled and monitored through a smartphone app, allowing maximum control at all times. Modify your level of relative humidity, monitor your humidifier's performance, receive maintenance notifications or contact Customer Support easily and conveniently from your phone.
Features of the Condair HumiLife Whole-home Humidifier include:
• Hygienic whole-home steam humidifier.
• Electrode steam technology.
• Automatic control – set it and sleep easy.
• Smartphone App for remote control and monitoring
• Easiest maintenance with no tools required.
• Quiet operation.
• Automatic cylinder lifetime detection to avoid manual reset.
• Drain water automatically tempered to meet local plumbing codes.
• Patented auto-adaptive water management maximizes cylinder life.
• Direct furnace mounting or remote mounting.
Humidification for Health & Wellness
The benefits of maintaining your home’s indoor air between 40-60% RH has been scientifically proven to minimize airborne viruses. Humidified air in this optimal humidity range ensures that germ droplets remain moist and the salt concentration inside the droplet increases to an extent that the pathogens are rendered inactive within a short time. Humidified air in the optimal range also prevents dry itchy skin, irritated eyes, minimizes allergies, promotes a healthy respiratory track, and will aid in a restful night of sleep.
To learn more about Condair HumiLife Steam Humidifiers, visit www.condairhumilife.com.